Koncept- Lucy
The title "Lucy" has a deeper meaning than just a female name. Koncept was raised in Queens, NY most of his life by his single mother (pictured on the EP cover art). Where he comes from, a “loosie” was a term for a cigarette at his local bodega. The title and the music on the “Lucy” EP represents Koncept’s story, his upbringing, his home, his roots, his journey and the most important person in his life (his mother).
The lead single & title track "Lucy" paints a vivid picture into his neighbourhood, his environment, and really shows you the strength and talent to why and how he got here.
Lucy (single) is out now- https://soulspazm.ffm.to/lucysingle
Lucy (EP) is out Friday 29th April- https://soulspazm.ffm.to/lucyep