Boudicca’s Bass Service drops new single ‘Hiding’

‘Hiding’ is the punchy new single from one-woman indie production Boudicca’s Bass Service. 

The song documents the temporary joy of floating away from all your problems, from the hedonistic decision to the flight itself. Straight hitting crunchy riffs, paired with sparkling vocals (engineered by Billboard producer Finlay Thomas), give it all the analogue verve of a 90s grunge record brought to the present day. The tight alt-rock is perfectly offset by distant synth waves, no doubt aided by the fact that Georgina Cotterill aka Boudicca’s Bass Service, spends her day job creating synthesizer plugins at GForce Software.

The single hails in a new era for Boudicca’s Bass Service - ‘Paintings Of Musings Of Music’, her second studio album, is to be released in November. If you are what you eat, then this album has been inspired by a truly unique mix of ingredients. From underground sound systems in forests and synthesizer conventions in Berlin; to Bristol’s experimental jazz and sea shanties on the south-west coast. Reggeaton clubs in sunny Malaga and the bass-heavy Boomtown festival; to Vivaldi in Prague’s oldest church and organ concertos in Vienna. 

Bringing these inspirations into a coherent mass would be a challenge for some, yet here they meld together with a natural ease, collating one glistening surreal object of an album.

This experimental and well-lived approach to music has garnered Boudicca’s Bass Service attention from radio stations, blogs and playlists alike. With her songs repeatedly being voted into the ‘Fresh Faves’ over at Fresh On the Net, airplay on BBC Radio 6, Glitterbeam, Exile FM, Amazing Radio, BBC introducing… and truly underground performances in the woods (ears to the ground!), it feels like the emergence of a cool new journey for this young talented artist and her new style of alternative.

Hiding is out now-

For more information on Boudicca’s Bass Service: